James F. Royal, Ph.D. is an expert in finance and a former stock analyst, and he makes this world easily accessible to readers. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the AP, and the Washington Post. You can follow him on Twitter @JimRoyalPhD.
Can you trade bonds like stock? Bond trading has several moving parts, but we teach you about the most popular strategies and bond market nuances to help you find success. ... Continue Reading
Many are familiar with stock splits, where investors receive new shares of a company’s stock in proportion to their existing holdings, but less well-known are reverse stocks splits. Like a stock split (also called a forward stock split), a reverse stock split distributes new shares of stock to investors — ... Continue Reading
Options are one of the most exciting areas of the investing world because of their potential for huge gains. But to get started, you’ll want to know what options strategies are available, when they’re best suited to particular situations and what the risks and rewards are. Options strategies come in ... Continue Reading
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