Latest Articles by Mandi

Best Checking Accounts With No Overdraft Fees in 2022
Watching your checking account balance dwindle to $0 isn’t a great feeling—and getting slapped with a fee because you’ve overdrawn your account is even worse. While you might think an overdraft fee is just par for the course when it comes to checking, there are plenty of accounts that don’t ... Continue Reading
September 12, 2022
10 Ways to Invest Outside of Your 401(k)
So you’ve got plans to max out your 401(k) and your emergency fund is cash-flush. What next? You have plenty of options, many of which we’ve listed below. Wherever you put your money, remember that each type of investment comes with drawbacks. You should understand your risk tolerance and be ... Continue Reading
December 23, 2021
U.S. Mortgage Market Statistics: 2018
Homeownership rates in the United States have increased steadily since the height of the 2007-2010 housing crisis. Despite this, increasing interest rates and high home prices have kept the homeownership rate much lower throughout 2018 than it was during the era before the crisis. Housing prices have recently begun to ... Continue Reading
December 21, 2018